Technology should facilitate the music.
Despite the fact that recording is a very technical activity, the
technical details should remain in the background as much as
possible during the session.
The most important factor in recording a good piece of music is a relaxed and inspired musician.
For that we need the following:
An inspiring atmosphere.
Good acoustics in which you can hear yourself back comfortably.
The more a recording session resembles a concert or rehearsal, the more musical the results.
That is why we have the facilities to play with the whole group at once. Headphones are an option, not a necessity.
There are also differences between a live performance and a studio recording that we can use to our advantage. Think of editing together two takes or recording multiple
layers on top of each other (overdubbing).
Other options include using additional instruments or effects, and sometimes playing to a click track can be useful.
Last, but not least, you need to be able to focus on the music for 100%. For that you need someone who takes care of everything else quickly and unobtrusively.
Someone who you can trust to create a good sounding end result.
In order not to be distracted or feel pressured by the clock, we prefer to work with a price per project or per day, instead of per hour.
For those who are interested, here is an
inventory of Studio Magnetophon.